The Illusion of Choice: Why Capitalism and Democracy Struggle with Long-Term Thinking

Victor Anastasiu
1 min readApr 16, 2024

Both capitalism and democracy rely on individual choice — what to buy, who to vote for. But this is just on the surface. Beneath it lies a complex system influencing our decisions.

While influencing each other is natural, a problem could arise from the power imbalance. Over time, systems gain influence and resort to enforcing their views rather than fostering debate. This happens everywhere, from families to dictatorships.

Furthermore, systems have more resources to think strategically and see the big picture, unlike individuals. This mirrors the difference between the left brain’s focus and the right brain’s holistic view, as Iain McGilchrist explores in “The Master and His Emissary.”

Here’s a potential solution: a fractal-like, multi-layered platform combining Wikipedia’s depth, MindMeister’s mapping tools, and IFTTT’s or Primavera Oracle to track causality automation. This platform could break down long-term goals into actionable steps and illustrate cause-and-effect chains across all interconnected fields such as politics, resources, sociology, sciences, AI, etc .

It would essentially function as a global “right brain” for long-term thinking with us in the middle of this mandala-like tree.

Who’s up to jumpstart the right brain?



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