The meaning of words is evolving.
Today, leadership as a case, is mostly understood as a role model.
A leader should somehow stand above and see the whole picture.
A king, a CEO, a president, a captain, a mother or a star are usually in this position.
In non-technical positions, there is no agreed measurable way to quantify the characteristics of the leadership for this position. There are words like charisma or power but they are not measurable.
Therefore, whenever possible, people goes in trouble when not rightly choose.
Dictatorships, Uranus or revolutions appear.
What if the leadership traits would be as visible and quantifiable as a good bridge engineer, a pilot or a cardiologist?
For example, in a good leader should be observable the traits of all its members group.
At the end, by representing all, he should literally be composed by all.
To extrapolate in our imagination, a leader should have shared most of his group members lives.
Somehow he should embody all of the individuals identities because otherwise some could feel being left out. He should be the most empathic.
If people would be waves, a leader could be the wave who can better adjust its amplitude to synchronise with all the other waves around.