a shared story

Victor Anastasiu
2 min readJan 13, 2021


Apparently, there is no current need today in the world for a shared story!

Somehow we are all fine with our own individual ones.

There is nothing around, to coagulate us toward a common horizon... as a specie. This is not new: we were never aggregated ourselves into a common projection at a global scale level.

Our history distinguishes very few main stories: religions (faith) or countries (rationale) are the only two least distributed common ideals globally. Or money?

Now we have trillions of distributed mini stories on social networks.

Religion and countries, yet invented, are disintegrating by the same minds which constructed them, at accelerated speeds.

Could be either good or bad, we don’t know, it is just an observation.The reasons we end up here are discussed today at many levels, with abundant reasons.

Still, there are 2 questions today in my mind:

  1. Do we need a commonly shared story?
  2. If yes, which one? An evolved version of the past ones? A transcending one?

Possible answer to the question 1:

One justification is post-observational: if during our known human history we basically only fought for those few ideals, maybe there is something within us which craves for common stories. Maybe our biological social inter-dependency needs to re-couple with our ever evolving mind. At an individual level, we are seeking for this balance: mediation, drugs, music, endless flow looking shortcuts. According to Stealing Fire research book, the underlying budget humans spend on trying to reach a sense of connection is surpassing all industries combined.

If most of our individual time is dedicated to find this balance, I believe we should speak more about it. Our unique human ability is to co-operate fairly in large groups to achieve a common purpose above our individual interest.

Possible answer to the question 2:

If we, as humanity will finally find a common story (never achieved up to date and maybe just another utopic ideal) could be :

(1) either a common individual faith such as a new religion (future) or

(2) a common rationale (past) such as a global country , or a composition of these two.

The future is open two whatever scenario but I would bet on a solution which would engulf those two.

We need freedom and we need roots. We need the faith of our hearts and we need the past of our minds.

To have them both, we need our individual faith and freedom to be balanced by the common past of our minds.



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