A collective nervous system

Victor Anastasiu
2 min readMay 19, 2021


Just read somewhere this : “There are rather frightening scenarios when you’re talking about leadership. Once it’s demonstrably true that you can have an AI that has far better business judgment, say, what will that do to human leadership?” by Daniel Kahneman

Maybe that the only job of an effective humane leadership of the future will be to bridge the connection of the infinite possibilities of our minds to a collectively defined and measured type of internal biological parameter.

As we are delegating the processing power of our brains to AI, we are losing the capacity to understand the consequences of our actions as a whole. (not that we were brilliant at it at some point). This is a continuous process integrated within a dynamic environment.

Maybe we should learn as individuals to wire ourselves on a deeper level. Define and rationally agree upon a common objective. Then use the AI processing ability to guide us there more efficiently. (currently we delegate to AI all sorts of unrelated objectives)

We propose as a rational pre-defined objective of our future selves to reach a certain level of subconscious co-ordination at the level of our collective hearts. Our individual brains may paradoxically foul us to believe an understanding of a higher common perspective.

In a way, similar to what our autonomic nervous system does when regulating the subconscious opposed systems : sympathetic (individuality, exploration, fight or flight) and parasympathetic (commonality, home, relaxation) in our bodies.

Even if sounds too far fetched, we are at the infancies of a technologically perspective, just that it is not evenly distributed to the billions of us: the hearts are connected globally through wearables and the minds through AI’s synapses.

Humanity as a being is waking up and become conscious.

Meanwhile we can just breath, smile and embrace each other :).



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